Annual events
Spring festival with fathers’ day celebration in Lindberg Farmhouse Museum: Ascension Day
Wild garlic festival in Schloss Buchenau: End of May
Large garden and connoisseurs’ market in the Schlosshof
Autumn festival with market in the Farmhouse Museum in Lindberg: Start of September
Autumn market at Schloss Buchenau – Culinary treats around the manor house: 3.10.
Autumn and Advent market, alternating years in the Mehrzweckhalle Lindberg and at Schloss Ludwigsthal: Sunday before Advent (2019 Ludwigsthal)
Schlossweihnacht Christmas event in and around Schloss Buchenau: First weekend in Advent
Dorfweihnacht Christmas event at Lindberg Farmhouse Museum: 20.12.