Hamry – Basic Information


The village of Hamry lies in the western part of the Šumava mountains in the fold between the Královský hvozd massive and the ridge of Můstek and Prenet, along the river Úhlava at the altitude of 582 m, 10 km to the south-east of Nýrsko and 15 km to the north-west of Železná Ruda. The altitude in this area steeply rises and goes from 530 m in the Úhlava valley to 1220 m at the ridge of Královský hvozd and further to the highest peak Ostrý with the altitude of 1293 m. The Úhlava river flows through the area, with several affluent streams, as for instance the Bílý, the Černý, the Svinský or the Zelenský. The river is diked with an earthen dam to form drinking water reservoir.

Along the ridge of the Královský hvozd to the south-west of the village there is a border with German Bavaria, to the north-west the border with the cadastral area of Nýrsko and to the south-east with the cadastral area of Železná Ruda.

Area of the village: 3531 hectares

Latitude: 49° 14’ 2’’
Longitude: 13° 6’ 57’’



Important Contacts

SOS 112
Fire brigade 150
Emergency medical service 155
Police 158
Mountain rescue service Železná Ruda, tel: +420 606 528 243
Medical emergency service and first aid– Klatovy, tel: +420 376 335 441, 141