15 – The Borderguards’ Path

Another man who used to be called “The King of the Šumava mountains” was Josef Hasil. After this man had finished the SNB school in Protivín, he took up as a cook in Zvonková /the SNB station/ in January 1948. In the same year after the putsch in February he started taking people across the borderline to Germany. Another of his activities was giving the reports and the collaboration with CIA. Karel Starý helped him with accommodating people who wanted to flee the country.

Hasil met them at Starý’s, his trails led to the south of Kilián’s trails, they started generally in the area of Soumarský most. This place became fatal for Karel Starý’s family because the gunfight occurred after one of the Hasil’s groups had happened to meet the guard during their way over the borderline.
The uniforms of the borderguards after 1945
One of the refugees lost his backpack with some newspaper during that action. The name of Karel Starý was mentioned there as a name of subscriber.The police arrested all his family and condemned them together to 102 years in prison. Hasil got 9,5 years in prison but he managed to escape and fled to Germany in 1949. After some time he emigrated to USA to the Chicago city.
