11 – The Borderguards’ Path
The line of bunkers in the Kašperské Hory area consists of several sectors built in succession. We deal here mainly with the sector H-40 that is the code-name for Sušice. It consisted of four so-called independent shooting roadblocks. The first one called Ždánov was situated on the road between Kašperské Hory and Nezdice na Šumavě. It consisted of six objects type 37.
The second block was situated near the village Tuškov. It consisted of six bunkers as well. The road between Kašperské Hory and Bohdašice should be closed by that block.
The competition for the building of sector H-40 was advertised in May 26, 1937. The winner was the firm belonging to Ing. Prokop from Strakonice because they offered the lowest price /17,785 Kč for one object/. The sector included 41 objects of light fortification type 37. In September 1938, all of them were concreted and prepared for the possibility of use. Eighteen objects were destroyed during the occupation so that the fighting value of the sector became zero.
The second block was situated near the village Tuškov. It consisted of six bunkers as well. The road between Kašperské Hory and Bohdašice should be closed by that block.
The competition for the building of sector H-40 was advertised in May 26, 1937. The winner was the firm belonging to Ing. Prokop from Strakonice because they offered the lowest price /17,785 Kč for one object/. The sector included 41 objects of light fortification type 37. In September 1938, all of them were concreted and prepared for the possibility of use. Eighteen objects were destroyed during the occupation so that the fighting value of the sector became zero.