3 – The Borderguards’ Path

The case of smuggling and public violence of Kilián Novotný in Stará Huť from January 27, 1933 the account from the police station in Nezdice na Šumavě: "Kilián Novotný committed a crime as he and his companion Jan Fastner from Stará Huť no.94 met the police patrol in the hall of the house belonging to Evarist Petlička in Pohorsko no.42. the patrolman Diblík addressed Fastner and at the same moment Kilián whacked the second patrolman, warrant officer Fabricius, by elbow on the stomach, causing him a momentary pain and leapt to the exit of the hall where he slipped on frozen stairs and fell, but immediately he was running away without any injury towards the near forest and he disappeared there in fog and darkness. Fabricius chased him, but he did not catch him he could no go on running because of a great stomachache.

The police patrol caught these two men going out of Evarist Petlička’s flat and it wanted to find out the identity of these two strangers. After that Kilián Novotný committed the described violence to safe himself by getaway. The patrolman Diblík captured the second man immediately after that accident and later he was revealed and depicted as Jan Fastner, the smuggler of the foreign artificial sweeteners.

One kilogram of it was found by him at his personal examination. A knife modified into one-sided dagger was found by him too that is why he was given to the County Court in Kašperské Hory because of the offence of the armament patent. In addition to it there were two more kilograms of foreign artificial sweeteners found under the stairs in the flat of Evarist Petlička. Fastner maintained that it belonged to his companion, but he did not tell his name. Fastner was arrested by the County Court in Kašperské Hory under the number 17. During the investigation the police found out that they were dealing with two daredevil and impudent smugglers who had been selling the foreign artificial sweeteners to local traffickers in the flat of Evarist Petlička just before the police patrol came and who were on the point of departure homeward."
