Klatovy – Basic Information


The town of Klatovy lies near to the south-western border of the Czech Republic with the Federal Republic of Germany, 40 km south of Pilsen. The town is situated at the foot of the Šumava mountains – one of the most beautiful mountain ranges in the Czech Republic. Its location gave rise to the frequently used epithet – the Gate of the Šumava mountains. The former royal town of Klatovy is a modern city with a rich historical tradition. With the population of 23.000 Klatovy is the second largest town of the Plzen region. The countryside nearby the town is an attractive area with a beautiful scenery, village and town architecture and castles bringing unforgettable experience to all visitors.

Altitude: 750 above sea level

Administrative area: 80,67 km2

GPS : 49°23'43.876"N, 13°17'42.197"E

Town quarters:

Beňovy, Čínov, Dehtín, Dobrá Voda, Drslavice, Habartice, Chaloupky, Kal, Klatovy I, Klatovy II, Klatovy III, Klatovy IV, Klatovy V, Kosmáčov, Křištín, Kvaslice, Kydliny, Lažánky, Luby, Otín, Pihovice, Sobětice, Štěpánovice, Střeziměř, Tajanov, Točník, Tupadly, Věckovice, Vícenice, Vítkovice


As of 31st December 2018 Klatovy had 22 233 citizens.

Important Contacts

Emergency lines:

Fire brigade 150
Emergency medical service 155
Police of the CR 158
Common emergency phone line 112

Police of the CR, District Department of Klatovy, Plzeňská 90, +420 974 334 111
Municipal Police of Klatovy, nám. Míru 62, +420 376 347 207
Fire brigade of Plzeň Region, Klatovy station, Aretinova 129, +420 950 311 111
Hospital of Klatovy, Plzeňská 929, +420 376 335 111
Town Information Centre of Klatovy, Vídeňská 66, +420 376 347 240/250
Municipal Office of Klatovy, nám. Míru 62, +420 376 347 111